Address Numbers Order Form

Reflective house numbers
House numbers

Section 304.3 of the International Property Maintenance Code requires property owners to display address numbers in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property.  Many times our first responders have trouble finding locations due to the lack of address numbers. In order to help our first responders the borough is selling reflective signs that are easily seen and identifiable.   The signs can be purchased with the link below. Once the signs are ordered and delivered to the Borough, your local fire department will deliver the sign to you and answer any questions you may have concerning the placement of the sign. 

Note: It is NOT a requirement to procure this through the Borough. It is a requirement to have an address sign that is clearly visible for by first responders.

**Please understand when you place your order to chose the correct size based on the number of digits in your address.

Please use the following link:

PDF icon Reflective Address Numbers30.41 KB